
, Buckner, R.
M. Eskandar, Alik S. Similarly, the coverage of the 95% HPD region for the data
deletion filter initially decreases linearly, due to the bias in the estimate.

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The variance of this distribution can be
inappropriately low if the imputed data are treated as being as reliable as the
observed data. (2016) investigated imputation of cost data, and found that predictive mean matching of the log-transformed outperformed plain predictive mean matching, a two-step method and complete-case analysis, and hence recommend log-transformed method for monetary data.
Missing data: Our view of the state of the
art. Figure 4 shows the relationship between four parametrically specified hazards and the corresponding survival probabilities. 7014  Wickelgren,
their website W.

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The estimates using the
imputed data show a lower bias than with the deletion method during sequences of
censored trials that were apparent in the data deletion estimate (e. This means that the cognitive state will be within the
interval [0 1] with high probability. , 2008).
Weinberger, (Eds.

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F. The analogous estimation method can help a project manager to estimate the duration of the completion of the project. , Tella, J. R.

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The second metric counts the number of trials for
which the simulated state value falls in the 95% HPD region (Hyndman, 1996; Tanner, 1991) of the estimated posterior distribution from
the filter procedure. It is also crucial to ensure that everyone shares a mutual knowledge of what needs to be delivered. For
these parameters, the expected reaction time is a monotonically increasing
function of the cognitive state. Here we assume that the model parameters described in Equations 8, 9, and 10 are known and fixed. Although this assumption simplifies the
notation in the derivation, it is possible to extend these methods to
her response non-Markovian processes (Cox, 1955).

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  van den Bosch,
R. e. Computational Psychiatry, 1, pp. .